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Core Connection | Prenatal Core and Pelvic Floor Strength Buy Bundle (14 videos) Core Connection | Prenatal Core and Pelvic Floor Strength

Welcome! You're having a baby! Congrats! Whether this is your first for fifth time, I've got you! This series guides you through the your prenatal journey, with progressions and modifications for every phase.

Our focus during this period is to strengthen the transverse abs and pelvic floor to support your back and hips, while also stretching and opening your hips to best prepare for delivery.

Remember the bell-curve addressed in the Pre/Postnatal Journey Breakdown. You are strong as hell, and sometimes strength looks like slowing down but still working hard. I'll guide you through what to look for and how to progress/modify based on your own body and where you're at in the process.

Movement during this time will be more limited, but you can still do a lot! I am the guide, but you are the boss, let's work together to keep you moving and feeling your best during this exciting time.

MUSIC NOTE: You can use any monthly playlist alongside class. Click the "Monthly Playlist" link and download so they are ready to go!

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USD $99.99
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