Back to School
2 Weeks
1 Class Per Day
Classes Done On Your Own Time Together With the Motivation of Our Community
How It Works
Sept 30-October 13
Class Structure
Classes range from 10-30 mins with variety to make you feel strong, stretched and refreshed by the challenge end
Connect with Community
Connect with each other and see daily workouts and motivations for participants in the community chat.
Create Healthy Habits
It takes 2 weeks to build a habit. Set yourself up with movement that makes you feel good so you build habits that last.
Why a Challenge?
I am calling this one a challenge, why? It's still about finding balance that will work for you long term!
Your objective is to ease back into movement and make taking class accessible, not only to your body but to your schedule. The goal is to feel so good moving through this challenge that you want to keep a daily movement practice when it wraps up!
Sign Up!
All you have to do to start the challenge is login and start the Back to School Challenge in the community page. Take these two weeks to devote to yourself and creating habits that make you feel amazing and that LAST. Your spirits and your "peach" will thank you.
New subscribers use code: BTSC for 50% off your first month. Code valid through 10/1.
Start Your 7-Day Free Trial and Join!